Student Life
NMSA Community
At NMSA, dancers, actors, musicians, writers and visual artists of all ages and walks of life—from students to staff—come together from every corner of the state to form the heart of this close-knit, collaborative and driven community.
From your first day at NMSA, you’ll feel like you’re a part of something big. The energy that comes from being with such a talented group of people will fuel your drive and challenge you to do more—and go further—than you ever thought possible.
Your teachers will be the first people to cheer you on. The NMSA academic faculty understands the importance of finding a strong balance between your academics and your art and will encourage you to stretch yourself while providing support and guidance where you need it. The arts teachers will feed your natural interests while exposing you to new ideas and processes.
Your friends and peers will give you greater context for your work, along with honest critique and authentic encouragement that comes in a small group setting where it’s safe to experiment, fail and then try again (and again).
This opportunity to grow is enhanced by Santa Fe’s extended arts community. From galleries, arts institutions and museums, the entire city is your classroom, where you can experience art in many forms, from renowned practitioners, who will share their vision and skill with you as you embark on journey that will change your life.
“NMSA has given me a place where I feel safe to be myself and to pursue my art wholeheartedly. It’s been like a second home for me the past 3 years.”
“NMSA is a diverse community of creative and compassionate student artists. Being a part of this unique family empowers students to do what they love, strive for excellence, and engage deeply with the interplay between their own stories and those of the surrounding community.”
“I love the diversity of NMSA. It is hard to feel left out because there is just so much you can be a part of. NMSA also encourages success which is hard to find anywhere.”