Mission + Governance
MISSION STATEMENT: NMSA provides access to a rigorous mastery arts and academic high school education for youth with passion and aptitude for the arts, leading to post-secondary learning, careers in the arts, and lives that contribute to society.
Governing Council
Michael Kaplan, Chair
Bill Beacham, Vice Chair
Doddie Espinosa de Ortega, Secretary
Trina Raper, Treasurer
Cynthia Nava, Member
Chelamia Quintana, Member
NMSA is a state charter high school. It operates in accordance with the New Mexico Charter Schools Act and its charter, issued by the New Mexico State Public Education Commission. The Governing Council of the NMSA is responsible for its operations and has the power to carry out its educational mission, and holds meetings at times and places that will be posted in accordance with the New Mexico Open Meetings Act.
Click here for NMSA-Charter School Governing Council Public Notices and Documents
*Any person interested in more information about the school or the meetings of the Governing Council may contact Assistant Business Manager Alyssa Romero at gc_public@nmschoolforthearts.org or (505) 310-4194 x107.
Board of Directors
Carl Thoma, Chair
Pamela Saunders-Albin, Vice Chair
William Miller, Treasurer
Cynthia Nava, Secretary
The NMSA – Art Institute is a nonprofit arts educational institution. It operates in accordance with the purposes set forth in its Articles of Incorporation and the New Mexico Nonprofit Corporation Act. The Board of Directors is responsible for its operations and has the power to carry out its educational mission.
Laurie B. Arnold
Stephen Arnold
Ian Brownlow
Valerie Diker
Natalie Fitz-Gerald
Charlotte Hetherington
James Hindman
Matthew Martinez
Amy McCombs
Dee Ann McIntyre
Sarah Nolan
Sarah Smith Orr
Aaron Payne
Deborah Potter
Holly Rice
Mary Rohman
Mary Sloane
Nick Telles
Elmer Torres
Madeleine Wright
Directors Emeriti:
Ned Bennett
Catherine Oppenheimer, Chair Emeritus and Co-founder
Garrett Thornburg, Co-founder
Equity Council 2024-25
Our equity council members represent all student groups including students with disabilities, Native Americans, English learners, the economically disadvantaged, African Americans, Asian Pacific, and LGBTQ+. Members include students, families, school leadership, teaching staff, and community members.
Amanda Lopez-Tapia: Parent, new
Gerardo Oliver: Parent, new
Suzanne Teng: community member, returning
Shani Harvie: alum, community member, returning
Alyssa Romero: NMSA staff, new
Jolene Vigil: NMSA staff and parent, returning
Eric Crites: school leadership, returning
Doddie Espinosa de Ortega: school leadership, returning
Oliver Cipres: student, returning
Ash Chavez – student, new
Shell Welch – facilitator, returning
These Equity Council members represent the following demographic groups:
American Indian/Pueblo
Asian American
Learning Disabilities/Neurodivergence
This year’s focus is advisement on a culturally and linguistically relevant