
HeARTbeats: Bob Sandoval

unnamed-1“My grandmother actually told me about NMSA and the potential it had for me,” says NMSA Senior Robert (Bob) Sandoval.

Growing up in Santa Fe, Bob was peripherally interested in theater, but “needed something to spark my ‘theater-wanting,’ if you will, and that was NMSA.”

After four years at the school, Bob feels well-equipped and excited to take his next steps. “I’m going into college to get my MBA, but theater has actually helped me a lot, not only just in the theatrical world but in making me a better person, honestly. Once you go into theater you get so many different views about life, you can use that in everyday life.”

Bob plans to attend Colorado College – his first choice! – in the fall, on a four-year plan.

“The thing that I like most about NMSA is the way they can be critical with you, but it’s not a personal thing. It’s to help you on a much more in-depth level, with who you are as an artist.You form relations really well here.”

He acknowledges that the rigorous academic-artistic schedule has been both enriching and challenging. “It’s hard balancing it, but actually in the end it makes you a much more ambitious, ‘let’s get things done’ kind of person.”

“Coming to this school makes me want to do everything now! If I see something, I put my mind to it — I’ve learned that whatever I want, I can get, as long as I put enough hard work into it. That’s what NMSA has taught me the most.”

Bob was featured in our ArtSpring 2015 program!